My son started Renner Academy in 2020. It’s the best decision we’ve ever made for his educational path! Due to being severely dyslexic, he has struggled so much in school, been very behind and battled with self esteem. With the amazing teaching skills and techniques at Renner Academy, he has come leaps and bounds! They’ve been able to reteach gaps and see what his individual needs were! They have even worked on his self-esteem! He’s more confident, tries to read and write more, and is showing so much progress! They are truly gifted with being able to help kiddos! Such a blessing for our family and community! I highly recommend Renner Academy!!
My daughter learned to act like she understood and to pretend like she was paying attention. For the independent work, she would rely on peer support instead of teacher support. This is nobody’s fault in a class of 26, but she learned that school was about acting like you understood while usually not fully understanding what was being taught. Her teachers would even tell me how great she was doing, and I would insist that even though she was passing, she was not reaching her full potential. The solution that our family has found is Renner Academy. At Renner, she doesn’t get lost in the crowd. At Renner, when I talk to the teachers they describe the daughter that I know and love. They give her work at her level, and she is taught until she understands the concept fully. She can go at her own pace and have as much reteaching as she needs without feeling like she is letting the teachers down. They focus on a growth mindset, so she also learns that mistakes are valuable and nothing to be ashamed of. I have really enjoyed watching her go from surviving to thriving at Renner this year and look forward to many great years to come.
Thanks to Renner, she can not only face her challenges, but can she reach for her goals.
My children already faced learning challenges in school that were compounded by the pandemic. While homeschooling them during the pandemic, I saw they were not progressing as they should be; I knew it was time to involve professionals.
The teachers at Renner Academy are committed to the children's' education and not just academically but socially as well. My children learn in an environment that fosters their strengths and creativity without making them feel pressured to perform on a timeline. They are relaxed and enjoy learning at their own pace. The individual approach used is priceless. I have seen my children blossom and grow in just a few months, and I am amazed at the progress they have made with more confidence, less frustration and increased curiosity, wanting to learn more. One of my children requires more individualized instruction and this school offers something no other school can, one-to-one personalized instruction. This academy has been life changing for my children, and I value their mission, dedicated teachers, and all the supporting staff and board members for making this a reality.
Although my daughter does not have dyslexia, she does have dysgraphia. This displays itself in that what she wishes to express is difficult to be represented on paper. This has been hard to witness as a parent, as I know she has so much creativity and story-telling abilities within her, and wants to be able to share them with others. Although her writing abilities are a source of frustration for her at times, as my daughter has continued to grow, now to the age of 13, an area where she finds freedom and unending possibilities for her creativity is in visual art. Painting, drawing, coloring, making, and now even photography are activities that bring her thoughtful ideas to life. It is wonderful to see her be unhindered as she pursues these avenues of expression. Renner Academy has been essential in my daughter's gains, both in the areas of art, and writing. Writing and art are subjects she loves and is naturally drawn to, but needs the nurturing support of others in order to achieve her goals. In her time at Renner Academy, writing has grown from a source of frustration, back to a source of expression and communication as it is intended to be. Areas that before were limited and confined, are now supported and set free in a caring and nurturing environment thanks to Renner Academy.